Do you offer refund?

Yes we offer refunds, cancel at any time, only pay for the period you have used our service and get the rest refunded. No Questions Asked. If you have any issue contact us or create a support ticket.

Can I use my subscription on multiple devices?

Yes, only m3u/ Xtream API subscriptions. Also, please pay attention that 1 subscription can be used on multiple devices, but you can watch only on 1 device at the same time.

I'm getting buffering / freezing frequently. Why is this happening?

This means your internet provider is throttling or blocking your connection. Many internet service providers in UK (sometimes from other countries too) are having this issue and the only solution for this is to use a VPN.

My m3u link is not working?

If the link is not working, always check the link on different devices. If it works it means that there is something wrong on your end. When typing in your M3U link make sure you are not entering any space and you are not using your M3U link on other devices. Contact us or create a support ticket if the link does not work on other devices after troubleshooting.

What payment methods are available?

We accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and Debit/Credit Card through secured payment gate with automatic currency conversion and no hidden fees.

How long before I can use the service?

We activate all new accounts in 30 minutes to 5 hours hours after the invoice is paid.

Do you offer adults?

No, we do not offer adults at all.